Dubai - Burj Al-Arab

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Posted on February 2009

Sheykh Zayed Road

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Posted on February 2009

Sheykh Zayed Road

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Posted on February 2009

Dubai - Atlantis hotel

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Posted on February 2009

New Edition Released. Dubai Uae Is The Most Vibrant Tourism Spot In The World With 22% Annual Growth. 15 Million Visitors Expected In 2010.
What are the visa types, regulations and requirements?
Can you buy or drink alcohol in public in Dubai?
What is the scene on drugs?
What happens if you get caught having fun with someone outdoors in Dubai?
What exactly is the stance on unmarried couples living together in Dubai?
How many tourists visit every year?
What is the crime rate in UAE?
What are the beaches like?
What are the best months to swim?
Where is Dubai and what are the best places to visit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates?
What is good for shopping?
What is Dubai Shopping Festival?
When is Dubai Summer Surprises held?
What is this talk of Dubai best hotel?
Is it true that for a tourist Dubai forces Islamic rules?
Yes, I have heard of the exotic tourism Dubai, but is there another side of the story?

Are you a teenager who is in a serious relationship? If you are, there may come a point in time when you think that your boyfriend is cheating on you. As often as you may hear an adult say “you are young, you will find love again,” you may still want to have concrete proof that your boyfriend is cheating on you. After all, if love is what you feel, you may be unsure about ending the relationship.

Although getting concrete proof that shows that your boyfriend is cheating on you can be difficult to do, there are still a number of signs that you will want to look for. These signs, five of which are outlined below, can make it easier for you to determine whether or not your teenage boyfriend is cheating on you.

1 – He Stops Hanging Out With You

If your boyfriend stops hanging out with you or if he stops inviting you to parties or social outings with friends, there is a good chance that he is cheating on you. As for why you may no longer be invited to social events with him, he is likely worried that his friends will talk. Because, chances are his close friends already know that he is cheating on you. In fact, do his friends treat you any differently?

2 – He Has Changed His Appearance

Has your boyfriend starting changing his appearance? Has he started taking better care of himself? At the high school level, a big change in appearance should include hairstyles or clothes. Chances are if your boyfriend has undergone a sudden appearance change, there is someone who he is trying to impress. Unfortunately, you may not be that someone.

3 – A Rude Attitude

Since many cheaters feel guilty about their actions, they often try to lessen that guilt. One of the many ways that a boyfriend does this is by being rude to you. He may accuse you of cheating on him or he may regularly find even the smallest reasons for picking an argument. This is because some cheaters justify their behavior by claiming that their girlfriends deserved to be cheated on.

4 – You Can’t Get In Touch With Him

Many boyfriends and girlfriends communicate through cell phone calls, text messages, and emails. If this is how you and your boyfriend communicated in the past, have you suddenly noticed a change? If you find it harder to get hold of your boyfriend, he might be cheating on you. After all, why would he always answer your phone calls, text messages, or emails before, but not now?

5 – You Are Hearing Rumors

If one thing is for sure it is that high school students like to gossip. As previously stated, your boyfriends’ friends likely already know that he is cheating on you. They may talk to their other friends or their own girlfriends. This is likely to start rumors. Although not all rumors you hear at school are true, you may want to listen carefully.

The above mentioned signs are just a few of the many that your boyfriend may be cheating on you. If you do find out that your boyfriend is cheating on you, it may be a wise idea to break off the relationship. If you are having sex with your boyfriend, his cheating ways could put you at risk for developing harmful and painful sexually transmitted diseases.
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With Valentine's Day just around the corner you'd be surprised at the number of people that, instead of buying chocolates, are working with a private investigator to evaluate exactly how true that true love is.

Do you suspect that your Valentine is possibly planning on buying more than one card this year?

Here's a short list of things that may indicate your significant other is playing the field:

Has his or her schedule suddenly changed? We are not talking about a shift change at work or a few hours of overtime. No, what we're discussing here is a blatant change in their schedule. Large time holes that they can't or won't explain.

This is the number one indication that something is awry. I would venture to say that, nine times out of 10, when a client lays out this scenario for me it results in a partner that is cheating.

Another thing to watch for are expenditures. MONEY. Does he or she suddenly have less of it? More of it? Either can be a giant red flag. If you've been dating or married for any length of time and your partner’s spending habits or accessibility to money has suddenly shifted, there might be a reason.

In your own backyard?

Also watch your own backyard. Your best friend, your neighbor, the new lady or gentleman living across the street. If your partner is spending an inordinate amount of time there, perhaps some questions are in order.

Weekend trips or outings with his or her friends that are not common should also be viewed as a signal flare. If you're asking questions about their whereabouts and not getting a straight answer, there is possibly a reason why.

Now this is not to say that all people who have secrets are cheating. Not all secrets are bad.

A little anecdote for you. Several years ago, very near Valentine's Day, I was asked to do an investigation for a woman who suspected that her husband was cheating.

This woman had good reason to believe that he might be unfaithful. Her husband was disappearing every Sunday morning and not returning until very late in the evening. This was very unusual and had never happened during the 15 years they'd been married. Her husband refused to discuss it with her and did not even attempt to make up a small excuse.

He simply refused to discuss it at all.

So, of course, our client assumed that there was another woman.

I won't go into all the details out of respect for the clients privacy. To keep a long story short, the bottom line was that this gentleman actually was not a cheater.

This man was in love with his wife. Very much so, in fact.

Every Sunday this man would sneak off to work on a second job so that he could buy a special gift for the woman that he loved on Valentine’s Day. He was saving every penny to get just the right item. That’s how much he loved his wife.

Just because you see a red flag, do not assume that your mate has gone astray. Contact us and we can relieve your suspicions one way or another.

However, if the red flags are there, do pay attention and, if in doubt, be sure and contact your professional. As a licensed private investigator, I can tell you that in my experience some of the most violent encounters are between lovers in the heat of the moment.

Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to trail, track, follow, etc. your partner. More times than not, this can ruin the relationship, but it can also result in a situation that could end badly – for you or your significant other, or both.

We are highly trained in covert surveillance, tracking, photographic or video evidence and can assist you should you believe that your better half has found a new hobby.
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Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to
know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may
seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not.

It should be viewed in all earnestness or things could go haywire. Every game has its
rules and unless you know all the rules you just can’t become a good player and
eventually a winner.

Tastes Differ
There are so many kinds of people around. Just look around you -- how many people
you know look the same?
Sizes, builds, shapes, features… they are all so different!
And that is just about the external appearances. And when it comes to character, it
becomes a very different story altogether. Take a trip down memory lane, go back to
your classrooms and look around.

A classroom is one place where we get to interact with a lot of different people on a very
close basis. We get to rub shoulders and corners with very different people and we get
to know them on a one to one basis. So how many of your classmates did you genuinely

I don’t mean like them as classmates but as people. Was it easy to get along with all
of them? That is why we often end up with best friends or clichés in classrooms.
We do not and do not have to like everybody. The tastes and interests of one person
might match with ours while the tastes and interests of another person may be at
complete loggerheads with ours.

So when it comes to dating, it is very much the same story. But over here there are
some strings attached. Unlike in a classroom contact, most people go on dates with a
more impressive purpose, and that is to find life mate. There are a hundred and one
things that should match before two people decide to spend the rest of their lives with
each other.

Many people are of the opinion that they do not need any help with dating. They may be
right because nobody knows a person’s tastes and likes better than the person himself
or herself.

Maybe most of us do not need any help in making the right choice but isn’t it good to
get a few pointers on the dating process as such, particularly on Online dating? It
is with this objective that this matter was prepared so that the thousands who are now
availing of Internet dating may get the best out of it.
To get the FREE ebook, fill the form and submit:

Ali Alsaloom, a cultural adviser, offers advice in an open letter to Paris Hilton on the sensibilities of the Emirates and how to avoid pitfalls.

Dear Paris,Okay, I’ll just come right out and admit it: I really don’t know all that much about you. But my female co-worker (who really, really, REALLY wants to meet you) filled me in on all your details, so I feel more comfortable welcoming you to the country. The UAE is like the US in the way that a number of diverse states came together to form a union. Of course, your country has an almost 200-year head start on us, but I think you’ll find your stay here a real eye-opener.

To make your first trip to the Gulf a bit more rewarding, I’m offering you the abbreviated version of the cultural awareness talks I give to expatriates.Follow my advice and I promise you’ll leave the UAE with a huge fan base. We are an incredibly loyal people and really appreciate your visit, but I should warn you that if you slip up ... well, that wouldn’t be, as you say, “hot”.- Just so you know, the UAE is an Islamic nation, and as such we do not allow “adult” content into the country. Customs may search your luggage, so leave any inappropriate videos at home.

- Some words to the wise: learn a few key Arabic phrases and you’ll be sure to charm every Emirati you meet.- When you meet an Emirati man, instead of offering a handshake, you can just give them your million-dollar smile. Local women might hug or kiss you. Feel free to reciprocate.- I’ve heard you are fond of dogs. So am I, although I prefer salukis, you know, real dogs. Bringing Tinkerbell along shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s not a great idea to carry your pet around with you. While we love all of God’s creatures, we don’t consider it clean or polite to shake hands after petting any kind of animal.

- We treat shopping as a competitive sport. I know money isn’t an issue for you, but try bargaining; it’s part of the fun here.- While you’re at the souks, buy a pashmina. Or two. Or three. As Muslims, we are required to dress modestly. Knowing how fashionable you are, I know you want to wear the right outfit, and it will show your respect for our culture.- You might very well be invited to a local’s house. We are an extremely hospitable people and won’t mind providing you with whatever you want. But you’ve roughed it before on The Simple Life, so be a sport and try dining Emirati style. We sit on the floor and eat with our hands off one big common plate.

- Five times a day the call to prayer reminds Muslims it is time to worship. If you are at a party, as I’m sure you will be some time, make sure to turn the music off until the call is over.- I read that you have been charged with reckless driving a few times. You’re going to fit in just fine here.- If you want to click with Emiratis, ask about their families and talk about your own. Family is extremely important to us.

- Public drunkenness? Not hot. In fact, alcohol is considered haram (forbidden) for Muslims. You as an expatriate are more than welcome to enjoy a cocktail at the many fine hotels, but try to keep the party there.- I know you are here to shoot your new TV show, My New BFF, and probably have all necessary permits. But just as a reminder, please ask permission before you film a local, especially women. We are usually happy to oblige (especially for someone dressed modestly – see pashminas above).

- If someone does offer their hand to shake, please take your purse or drink out of your hand and shake with your right. Just trust me on this.For more of Ali’s advice, see his television show on or visit

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Dubai, 30 June, 2009: The Dubai Health Authority today announced the launch of their health insurance scheme, ENAYA, for government employees in the Emirate of Dubai.

The DHA has tied up with Neuron LLC for the ENAYA scheme which means ‘Care’ in Arabic. The scheme will be implemented from the 1st of July, 2009 and will provide health insurance cover to all government employees and their dependents.

Laila Al Jassmi, Director of Health Funding at the DHA said, “We are very pleased with the outcome of this scheme and the scope of diseases it covers. In addition to a comprehensive medical cover, the scheme also gives priority to preventative measures that are crucial to improve the health of the population, save lives and reduce the economic burden on the healthcare system.”

Al Jassmi said normally schemes do not focus on providing preventative cover, however the ENAYA scheme provides all government employees with the opportunity to have a comprehensive medical check up done, which includes screening for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, depression, stress, and various forms of cancer such as skin, breast and cervical cancer.

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The Dubai police recently arrested two men for allegedly breaking into at least 30 houses and stealing about AED10 million worth of cash, jewellery, electronics and other valuable items within a month.

Colonel Khalil Ebarahim Al Mansouri, director of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), said the suspects from Tanzania allegedly broke into houses in Mirdiff, Jumeirah and Bur Dubai areas. All the robberies took place in the morning hours during the month of May.

Following the incident, Dubai police officials have asked residents to register for a free service helping to protect their homes. The program, called “080,” is available on the Dubai police website to all villa residents who are going away on short or long vacations. The police will send patrols every 24 hours to monitor such premises.

The same program has also deployed around 90 police patrols to monitor people in crowded areas to prevent crimes, reports Khaleej Times. According to the police, 200 people have participated in the program, and none has reported a theft.

Along with offering to patrol the police have also issued some basic guidelines to holiday goers, such as instructions to lock all doors and windows, keep valuables in a safe place, turn off lights and taps, and ask relatives to keep an eye on the house during any absence.

While the service offered by the Dubai police seems both easy and convenient for house owners in the city, renting your house during your vacation could be another way of keeping it safe from thieves. There are several websites where you can put up your house up for rent during your vacation, and, if they are interested, you can even swap houses with the renter. Temporarily, of course.

The website Vacation Rentals currently has two owners offering their houses in Dubai, and on, six people have offered their homes for rent during their holidays.
A shortage of good jobs and the need to know someone senior in a company (wasta) are the main factors young Arabs most frequently mention as obstacles to getting a job in the region, according to a new survey.
The first Silatech-Gallup poll conducted among young Arabs across Middle East and North Africa found that 58 percent of respondents said they would be willing to relocate to find a suitable job.When asked whether knowing people in high positions is critical to getting a job, the majority of the respondents in all countries answered yes!

A lack of proper training, or lack of good jobs was another challenge mentioned by a sizeable number of youth in most regions, the paper added in its report on The Silatech Index: Voices of Young Arabs which is due to be unveiled later on Sunday.Respondents' satisfaction with efforts to increase the number of quality jobs was lowest in Iraq (10 percent), while it was highest in the UAE (69 percent), followed by Qatar (65 percent) and Kuwait (63 percent).

A relatively high proportion of young Arabs who are not currently business owners plan to start a business next year, the survey also showed. The survey findings were based on face-to-face interviews with young people, aged 15-29, in Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the UAE, and Yemen.

Source:, Sunday, 07 June 2009.
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Dubai Government announces new pricing mechanism for Government services. The Department of Finance, Government of Dubai, announced today that it has begun to implement the requirements of the Royal Decree issued by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, regarding the review and reduction of Government service fees.

In line with this initiative, the Government of Dubai will shortly introduce a new pricing mechanism for such services, which has been developed on a scientific basis by the Department of Finance to further enhance the competitiveness of the emirate and its attractiveness as an investment destination. This new system, which is unique among non-tax nations globally, will provide fee payers with the modern and diversified payment facilities, including through installment payments.

Read original document here
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Dubai will witness a spin of the traditional abaya when Abaya Couture, a new Emirati fashion label, launches its debut collection at Fashion Lounge on Friday, 3rd April.

Abaya Couture is a new high-end fashion label designed by Emirati designer Badr Al Budoor. Inspired by elegantly combining the aesthetics of mystical Arabia and European vogue, Budoor's first line is called Love Me Lots – a unique collection of abaya-cum-dresses.

More than a high-end label, Abaya Couture is a fashion statement. Inspired by lavish femininity, the collection takes its inspiration from romance with poufs, ruffles and bows. The designs incorporate three basic elements in each piece; quality, flair and individuality.

The birth of Abaya Couture and the official website –, will be celebrated with an exclusive fashion show and mocktail reception. The website is designed by Xische Studios, Abaya Couture's official website partner. Following the fashion show, guests will have a chance to order their own 'made-to-order' abaya. MAC is the official makeup provider for the launch and will be contributing select products towards the Abaya Couture gift bag.


Badr Al Budoor said:


"Abaya Couture is for women all over the world who would love to experience the mystique and beauty of the Emirati abaya. The concept originated from my frustration with the scarcity of chic experimental abaya designs, which was taking its toll on many trendsetters' wardrobes.


Abaya designs have certainly evolved over the past few years considering the inescapable restrictions, but now it's time for them to flourish. Today there is a desire for change and a more welcomed appetite for daring designs, which is where designers like myself come in.


Love Me Lots is for every contemporary woman with the confidence and poise to be a self-acclaimed princess who has a love for love."



Tel: Dina Zane, Marketing & PR Manager


Mobile: 00971-50-6501754


About Abaya Couture


Abaya Couture is a label born out of an idiosyncratic dame's frustration with the scarcity of experimental chic designs - a crucial element in every fashionista's wardrobe.  The designs of the enigmatic Badr Al Budoor incorporate three basic elements in each piece; Quality, Flair and Individuality. Abaya Couture, more than being an upscale label, is a fashion statement.


About the Designer 

The real-life persona of Badr Al Budoor remains shrouded behind a veil of secrecy. After almost a decade in design, inspired by all traditions of the Gulf, she continues to immerse herself in the infinite expressions of originality found in the global fashion centers of Europe. A glamorous, feminine bohemian who has fallen in love with the rag trade and is in rhapsody when experiencing the aesthetic beauty of the two worlds of mystical Arabia and European vogue being gracefully combined. A writer,a voyager, a musician and an artist, her designs capture her endless spirit and classical finesse. 


Love Me Lots – The Debut Collection

Abaya Couture's first line is called Love Me Lots. Inspired by clear lavish femininity, Abaya Couture takes its inspiration from romance for the first season with poufs, ruffles and bows. Love Me Lots is for every contemporary dame with the confidence and poise to be a self-acclaimed princess who has a love for love.


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Indian Embassy establishes Dedicated Centers for receiving Applications for Passports and Visas
Embassy of India has informed us that following an agreement between them and the Empost, 13 Centers will be operational from February 22, 2009for receiving applications for passports and visas. The purpose of the Centers is to reduce waiting time, avoid crowding and render better services to the applicants.

The Centers will be open from 7 am to 10 pm every day, seven days a week. All these centers will be manned by the Empost staff. There will be multilingual staff and the application tracking facility. Enquiries about the Centers can be made to Phone No. 600522229. The web site of the centre is

The location details of the Centers are as follows:

Abu Dhabi Office
2nd Floor, EMPOST Building ,
Madina Zayed, Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Al Ain Office
Indian Social Center,
Al Saroj District Al Ain (UAE)

Dubai Office - A
101, Al Owais building,
Behand Arabian Automobiles,
Deira, Dubai (UAE)

Dubai Office - B
(Passport Only)
No. 3 Karama Star Building ,
Karama, Dubai (UAE)

Dubai Office - C
(Visa Only)
Central Post Office
Karama, Dubai (UAE)

Sharjah Office
Al Wahda Street
Sharjah (UAE)

Ummul-Quwain Office

Ajman Office
Indian Association Ajman
Opposite Lulu Hypermarket,
Al Ittihad Street , Al Sawan,
Ajman (UAE)

Ras Al Khaima Office
Ras Al Khaima (UAE)

Ras Al Khaima Office
Indian Association,
RAK Al Mamoyra, Muntazar Road
Near Old Mamoura Police Station
Ras Al Khaima(UAE)

Fujairah Office
Indian Social Club Fujairah (ISCF)
Al Fazil Road,Opp Hilton Hotel,
Fazeel Fujairah (UAE)

Khorfakan Office
Indian Social Club Khorfakan(ISCK)
Behind Indian School ,
Kabba, Khorfakan (UAE)

Kalba Office
Indian Social & Cultural Club
Kalba (KISCC)
Opp Kalba Police Station
Near Bin Moosa Pharmancy,
Kalba (UAE)

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Sharjah Airport International Free Zone investors and companies can communicate to each other very effectively through the B2B social network which is dedicated to SAIF Zone companies. Through this social network, all companies can freely add their company profile, product image and descriptions, career opportunities, product or service requirements and all other business needs and communicate actively with all other companies in the SAIF Zone.


The SAIF Zone social network is not just a dead list of companies listed in an excel file. Companies listed in the social network should be active and live to attract trust and gather more business connections with other companies in SAIF Zone.


Sharjah Airport International Free Zone is one of the most active free zones in United Arab Emirates. Connected to Sharjah Airport is a huge potential to attract investors from all over the world to come and set up a business in SAIF Zone.


All these companies can join the SAIF Zone social network and benefit from its facilities and do their business easily. They can now find and have access to active companies I SAIF Zone. All members can easily check the latest activity date of all other members and recognize which member is not active and which member is active.

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On 12:24 PM 0 comments
There are rules and regulations and laws getting mature on this issue. During these recent three or four years, the government has tried different VISA procedures.

Now it seems the rules are settled. The main source and the only source that I recommend to consider and stick with it is the UAEInteract web portal which is one of official UAE government portal that you can trust.

Find information for UAE VISA here:
Perhaps you may know that setting up a business in UAE is not that much simple that they say. There are many things you should consider and I personally suggest to consult with a law firm before starting the process.

After all your studies, you will find out that there are different options you can choosem, based on your business nature and your plans. One of the options is setting up your business in a free zone.

However, whole UAE is a free zone, regarding of being tax free, but, free zones are like seperate islands in UAE. Each of them have their own rules, regulations and services.

One of the best free zones, that I have setup my business in and I have been satisfied with their very nice services, is Sharjah International Airport free zone, or simply, SAIF Zone.

Setting up a business in SAIF zone takes maximum 10 days. They have a friendly customer care center and very clean process.

If you are decided to have your business setup in UAE, I recommend you consider SAIF Zone as a good option.
Most of the dating websites are blocked in UAE and ordinary people can not access them. However, there are so many other options for people to go and find friends online. Facebook is freely used in United Arab Emirates and is a good social networking engine helping people find their business and life partners.

No matter which website you are using for online dating, you have to be prepared for online dating. Continue reading...

Are You Ready for Online Dating?

The goal of online dating is to eventually meet and go out on that all-importantdate. However, online dating is very different than dating someone that you meetin the “real” world. There are some tips that you need to know so that your onlinedating experience is as safe and as positive as possible.

You’ll most likely be very nervous and excited when it comes time to meet youronline date. The experience can be very thrilling but it’s important that you be onthe defensive when you meet for the very first time. Always keep in mind thatthis is someone who you haven’t yet met and there will be many things that youdon’t know about them. There are some things that you can do to make your firstdate safe and exciting at the same time:

• Always arrange to meet your date somewhere rather than having them pick you up from your home. You don’t want to let them know where you live so thatthey can find you in the future if the date doesn’t work out.

• Meet in a public place such as a restaurant or café. You want to be sure thatthere are plenty of people around in case things go seriously wrong. You mightwant to consider going out on a double date or with a group of people so that youaren’t alone on your first date. Again, this can only add to the safety of your first date.

• Pay for half of the date. If you pay for half of the date you won’t feel obligated to return the favor if your date pays your way.

• Make sure that you let someone else know where you’re going to be. You might want to consider having someone call you on your cell phone as a check inso they know that you’re alright.

• Use your own method of transportation to get to and from the date. You don’t want to get into a car on your first date. Online dating can be a fun and exciting experience. The one thing that you needto remember is that you practice safety and be practical in the decisions that youmake about your date.
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